Discover Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Create a Life Worth Living

Session Recording


Nurse Darling will speak during an hour’s slide presentation followed by 15 minutes for Q&A

  • (10 min.) Introduction & Review a sample of rigorous cited research studies showing that Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) effectively prevents suicide.
  • (50 min.) Summarize her book, published in March 2022, Discover DBT Create a Life Worth Living: Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the Proven 6-Month Solution to Escape Negativity.
    1. What Does “Dialectical” Mean? Incorporating Dialectics into therapy
    2. The Foundation of DBT 
    3. Credit to Marsha Linehan
    4. Built on Principles of  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    5. The Biosocial theory behind DBT & Invalidating    Environments
    6. DBT Stages & Goals of Comprehensive DBT
    7. Charles Swenson’s Model of “House of Therapy”
    8. Stage I: Aka “Hell.” So much internal pain and suffering  24/7, that a person cannot cope with life. Inpatient treatment primarily focuses on eliminating life-threatening behaviors and stabilization.
      1. Goal: Behavioral control
    9. Stage II: Getting control
      1. Goal: Committing/learning skills
    10. Stage III: Getting in touch
      1. Goal: Emotional experiencing
    11. Stage IV: Getting a life. Ordinary happiness and unhappiness
      1. Goal: Gaining self-respect and life goals.
    12. Stage V: Gaining capacity to experience sustained joy.
      1. Goal: Expanded awareness, fulfillment, peak experiences.
    13. DBT Techniques of Treatment  
    14. Individual
    15. Skills Training Groups
    16. Phone Coaching
    17. Therapist Peer Consultation Team
    1. Mindfulness — The first and most important skill that DBT teaches is mindfulness because it’s almost impossible to break old habits of feeling, thinking, and acting while unaware. All the other skills are built on mindfulness.
    2. Distress Tolerance — People learn skills to tolerate uncomfortable or painful situations and control urges to do bad things for them.
    3. Interpersonal Effectiveness — Interpersonal effectiveness skills help enhance our communication:
      1. focusing on relationships to stay in touch, deal with mild relationship problems, and keeping our support system strong
      2. figuring out how to balance goals, needs, wants, and shoulds
        1. building self-respect and mastery 
    4. Emotion Regulation — Emotions are important and useful. They tell us about our surroundings and what we’re going through. The goals include naming and understanding our feelings, reducing the number of times we feel bad, making ourselves less vulnerable to our feelings, and reducing emotional pain.
  3. Final Words: Call for individual Action
  4. Q&A

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this program, participants should be better able to:

  1. Attendees will see that Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based therapy for suicide prevention.
  2. Attendees will gain introductory concepts:
    1. DBT Techniques of Treatment
    2. Individual
    3. Skills Training Groups
    4. Phone Coaching
    5. Therapist Peer Consultation Team
  3. DBT’s  Four Core MODULES
    1. Mindfulness
    2. Distress Tolerance
    3. Emotional Regulation
    4. Interpersonal Effectiveness

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Author of Discover DBT — Create A Life Worth Living

Peggy has been privileged to work with children and their families for over 35 years. During retirement from her full-time role, she continues researching topics for which she is passionate. In 2022 she authored and published her first book, Discover DBT Create a Life Worth Living: Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the Proven 6-Month Solution to Escape Negativity.

After graduating from The Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing in New York City, Peggy married and has lived in the Green Mountains of Vermont to raise her son and daughter and enjoy gardening, bicycling, and skiing. 

She advanced in her field of study—nursing, health, and education—while maintaining her full-time position. She now has three grandkids, one boy and two girls, all of whom she adores. After more than 50 years of marriage, she and her husband are making the most of life in Vermont. 

Peggy’s book introduces Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) clearly.  Because she knows individuals in her own family, circle of friends, and community who are neurodivergent and struggling, she is driven by a fantastic desire to aid and educate those in need. Her current project is a second nonfiction book about dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which emphasizes suicide prevention.

Peggy has helped thousands of students, patients, and their families with varied psychological diagnoses found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM5. 

Peggy treasured and learned a lot from all of them. She is indeed qualified to care because, through her experiences, she gained a deep appreciation. wisdom, and enthusiasm for helping others and sharing what she has learned.

Nurse Darling hopes to enlighten people with valuable, practical, and exciting content. Her writing conveys a sentiment towards neurodiverse individuals as not having medical conditions but as people who have unique traits and perspectives.  A diagnosis does not mean someone is “crazy” or “unhinged.” Simply put, it signifies that something has meddled with one’s mental well-being.

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