Jodi Girouard, B.A. in Education and English, PWLE (she/her)

I have a book entitled, Living with the Neighbors coming out as an ebook in August of 2021.  It is a journey through what it is like to live through my mental illness.

Jodi Girouard, B.A. in Education and English, PWLE (she/her)

I have been writing since I could hold a pencil and transform a blank page into a creative outlet. I’m learning to truly believe in the beauty, indeed the magic, of living. I am a wife to my husband of 32 years, mother to three sons,  a poet and author,  a client of NCSS and now Howard Center for the last twenty five years.

I have a book entitled, Living with the Neighbors coming out as an ebook in August of 2021.  It is a journey through what it is like to live through my mental illness. I continue to write poetry to express emotions, to capture life in the natural world of Vermont that I reside in.  I believe in the possibilities to uplift as many as I can, and an endless supply of hope given out so all can truly be seen.  I am nobody but Jodi.  Let us all be brave ourselves.

2021 Presentation

Running Through The Fields Of Life To Reach One Another

A five minute video on reaching out to help one another, giving hope, and reading the poem, Running through Fields.