Elaine de Mello is a licensed clinical social worker who has worked in the mental health field since 1978 as a clinical program manager in inpatient and community settings; she also served as an emergency services clinician and director of Quality Improvement.
Additionally, Elaine worked for seven years as a school counselor and currently teaches on the faculty at Plymouth State University and as a Child Impact Program teacher at Riverbend Community Mental Health Center.
Elaine has worked full time with NAMI NH since 1999 where she had a lead role in the development of the Connect Suicide Prevention and Postvention Program, a national best practice. Elaine has provided training and consultation in mental health and suicide prevention throughout the United States and Canada in a variety of settings including state and tribal entities, community coalitions, schools and campuses, health care facilities, and military and paramilitary organizations.
She serves as a trainer for the NH Police Standards and Training Council, and is also a master trainer in AMSR, CALM and Connect and is certified in conducting psychological autopsies through the American Association of Suicidology. Elaine serves on the NH Suicide Fatality Review Committee and has been the co-chair of the NH Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly since 2003. She has served on the national faculty for Zero Suicide.