Cheryl Sharp, MSW, ALWS (she/her)
Cheryl S. Sharp, MSW, ALWF is CEO of Sharp Change Consulting, Inc. Prior to creating Sharp Change she created and led the National Council for Behavioral Health’s Trauma-Informed Care initiatives as Senior Advisor as well as Advisor for Suicide Prevention efforts. She has worked nationally to facilitate TIC Learning Communities and is a content expert on trauma, resilience, and TIC implementation. As an exclusive consultant to the National Council’s Trauma-Informed Care Learning Communities, Sharp has led hundreds of organizations in the implementation of trauma-informed care.
Sharp is a person in long term recovery from mental health and addiction challenges. Sharp believes that we must shine the light on “what’s strong with someone”; identifying their gifts, skills and talents. Sharp has worked with adult trauma survivors for over 33 years and is passionate about the fact that people can and do recover. It is possible to go on to live happy, healthy, and productive lives.
Sharp led On Our Own of Maryland’s Statewide Consumer Networks as the WRAP Outreach Coordinator and was the Executive Director of the STAR Process located in Arizona as well as serving on their Board of Directors and Director of Kenyon Ranch located in Tubac, AZ.
Sharp received the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) Voice Award in 2015 for her work and personal stories educating the public about behavioral health and the Lou Ann Townsend Courage Award in 2007 for her contributions to persons with psychiatric disabilities. Most recently, she received the On Our Own of Maryland award for her development and contributions to the Maryland WRAP® Outreach Project.
Her work in wellness and recovery as part of the WRAP® Outreach Project provided her the opportunity to work closely with the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery as an Advanced Level WRAP Facilitator and becoming Vice President of their Board of Directors.
Sharp received her BA in Psychology and a BA in Women’s Studies, followed by a Master’s Degree in Social Work with an emphasis on health, aging and spirituality from East Carolina University in North Carolina. She has done hospice social work, which is also one of her ongoing passions.
Sharp practices what she preaches by living her best life each day in Eastern North Carolina on a little lake with her partner. She is an avid gardener, traveler and lover of all things music, arts and culture. She is a puppy parent to Polo, the mother of four young men, three of which are triplets and grandmother to four of the most wonderful girls ever.
2021 Presentation
Intentional Organizational Wellness
Organization wellness does not happen in a vacuum. It takes effort, intention and planning. Find out how two Vermont organizations have made it part of their organization culture.
Presentation Summary:
Organizational and employee wellness in a trauma informed environment is essential. This workshop will explore 2 Vermont agencies’ journeys in order to promote health and wellness to staff, those receiving services and the community at large. Organizations must focus on compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma and burnout. Staff self care is prioritized and will lead an organization from compassion fatigue to compassion satisfaction.