
Kristy Hommel, M. Ed. ECE
Youth Outreach and
Ending The Silence Program Coordinator
NAMI Vermont
Youth mental health has become an ever-growing concern as more youth report anxiety and depression symptoms. One key area where the effects of youth mental health issues are felt the strongest is within schools. Schools are uniquely situated to impact youth mental health by providing effective mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
In this presentation, Kristy Hommel gives insight into her lived experience of growing up with a mental health condition while sharing youth mental health and teen suicide rates. Participants will learn about the current mental health needs of youth and possible ways to address these needs. They will learn about the benefits of early interventions for youth mental health and gain insight into what’s working for youth in our mental healthcare system and what needs work. Information on current youth mental health education programming will be shared. Throughout the presentation, participants will become empowered by learning how they can help make changes to support youth mental health education.
Three panelists will join Kristy to share their perspectives on youth mental health education and awareness.
Audience interaction will be encouraged throughout the presentation with questions posed to participants, short activities (which can be used for schools in mental health education and suicide prevention), and a question-and-answer segment.
Learning Objectives
The audience will….
- hear from speakers with lived experience with mental health conditions, Vermont educators, and a mental health professional specializing in youth mental health to learn about the importance of bringing mental health awareness education and suicide prevention into schools
- see current (and alarming) statistics about youth mental health and teen suicide rates
- gain knowledge about current mental health needs for youth and possible ways to address these needs
- learn about the benefits of early interventions in regards to youth mental health
- gain insight into what’s working for youth in our mental healthcare system and what needs work
- have the opportunity to participate throughout the workshop and ask questions in a Q&A segment
- be empowered by learning about how they can help make changes to support youth mental health education