Cheryl Gagne

Cheryl Gagne, Sc.D.

Senior Associate

C4 Innovations


Cheryl Gagne is a senior associate at C4 Innovations.  Her areas of interest and expertise are workforce training and development, especially peer workers, transforming behavioral health programs and systems to promote recovery, and person-centered practices, using evidence-based practices in programs and evaluating recovery-oriented services.

She has a passion for increasing the involvement of people with lived experience of recovery in the development, delivery, and evaluation of behavioral health and social services. Cheryl is a person in recovery from mental illness and addiction. She is an advocate for others who are in recovery and are striving for their rights to participate in communities of their choice.


Preparing the Peer Support Workforce to Support People in Crisis

Facilitator Cheryl Gagne, Sc.D. Senior Associate C4 Innovations Description The workshop will focus on the essential skills and resources peer support providers need to be successfully employed in crisis care and prevention services. The workshop will present emerging information gathered through interviews and focus groups about the most important competencies and organizational supports needed by peer support providers in crisis prevention and care services. Participants will learn about the program models and environments where peer support workers are employed and how they may collaborate with clinical providers. We will discuss resources, including supervision, needed by peer support providers in crisis services. Learning Objectives Participants will describe the roles and responsibilities of peer support workers in a variety of crisis service environments Participants will explain how peer support workers use their code of ethics to guide their work Participants will understand the role and importance of supervision in crisis care services Participants will describe the unique contributions of peer support in

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