Improving Resiliency for Older Adults at Risk for Suicide

Learn about the approach of care coordinators and wellness nurses who perform screenings, provide education and intervene as necessary with counseling, make referral to specialists, and assist in living well connecting their older adults with peers.

Improving Resiliency for Older Adults at Risk for Suicide

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The prevalence of suicide among older Vermonters, and the risks of social isolation, chronic pain, and substance use as a growing concern especially during the COVID-19 pandemic with its added stressors will be described in this panel presentation.  The innovative use by Support and Services at Home (SASH) of wellness check-ups for early identification and intervention in behavioral health problems, including suicide risk, will be shared. 

Learn about the approach of care coordinators and wellness nurses who perform screenings, provide education and intervene as necessary with counseling, make referral to specialists, and assist in living well connecting their older adults with peers.